Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm giddy... giddy I tell ya!!!

Oh happy happy day. Bless the heavens above...

Quick recommendation -- #3 (the double double) animal style.


Lisa Henderson said...

You guys sound like me when we found out we had one coming to St George.

I still remember our one road trip to CA and we went to In n' Out and then ate in Escondito for breakfast and had all the fresh squeezed OJ our heart could desire and had the cornish hens for dinner. That was a good weekend for eats!

jakenapril said...

amen to that. and i was totally thinking about the same trip...great minds! also, remember our little jaunt to tijuana? fun times, fun times!

Matt said...

Apes -- I believe the agreement was 'what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico. :-)'

That was a great trip. I remember it all very well. Descending on family all over Southern California for food and couches to nap on.

I also remember DuBois pulling some WWF moves on a tramp?