Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our Garden
We decided to try our hand at gardening this year. Our strawberries have already died but we are starting to see a lot of the other things sprout. We don't know if anything will survive but Winston has had a good time helping his Dad and it is good practice for next year. For now, we are just going over to our elderly neighbor's house and helping them eat all the good stuff out of their superb garden. They have been giving us some good gardening tips, so we'll see what happens.

We ran out of space in our garden so we planted our pumpkins along the back fence. Our back neighbors haven't put in their yard yet so we told them we will sneak one of the pumpkin blooms under the fence and they will have a pumpkin growing in their yard. Maybe it will make it less depressing until they get their grass in?? :)

Charlie's favorite place in the back yard is the swing set. He would stay in the swing all day long if we let him. Especially if we keep the Otter Pops coming. It comes in very handy when we are trying to get stuff done without him tearing it to pieces two seconds later. C can be a little (okay, a lot) naughty sometimes.


Elder Richey said...

Wow, Steff, your yard looks really great. I love the garden and the corner for the swing set. I have so much I want to do with our house. We've mostly been concentrating on the inside this year and we'll work on the yard next year. You guys inspire us!

Mike and Adrianne said...

I am so happy you have a garden. Will and Isaac love the swings and I would love to have a swing set in our yard.