Monday, December 03, 2007

Fun with a Snowman

Saturday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland. A good eight inches of snow covered everything as far as the eye could see. It was a vast sea of undisturbed fluffiness. So, being the appreciators we are, we bundled up the kids and headed out for some snowman fun.

Now, as some of you are aware, I have a great respect for Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) and his imagination. His snowmen rank high on my list of favorites. So, with all this snow and not much else to do, Steff and I decided to take our own shot at making a 'Calvin Snowman' of our own... This particular creation comes from his 'Snowman House of Horror."

Side view...

As we were wrapping up, our neighbor came over to see what we were up to. I'm pretty sure he thought we were totally demented. He did manage to chuckle uncomfortably and say something to the effect of the neighbor kids not being able to sleep at night. I'm also pretty sure the words demented and twisted were used in his dialogue as well.

Anyways, we had a pretty good time, some heated 'debate' and got really cold toes. Ah, what a season....

By the way, here is the original idea we used.... so you know its not just our demented (or twisted) sense of humor:


Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said...

Love this!

Nat said...

I think that snowman is GREAT!!! Very impressive. So you have pumpkin carving skills and snowman building skills, you guys are amazing! Glad to call you my friends. And yes we will be staying in SF so we can still be friends! Hey Steff, I was going to ask you when you were going to go to that Jumping Jacks again and I would go with you. I forgot to go get a month pass, but we can go a day and check it out with you. I'll give you a call.

Melissa said...

You guys are too cool.

do we need to start a snowman making contest?

Angie Penrose said...

You guys are awesome!!

Michelle and Nick said...

I love the snowman. We are also huge fans of Calvin. Maybe we should get the 2 wards to have a snowman building contest in the big field. With Shane on our team, we just may have a shot!!!
We need to talk, I found a connection in your list of friends!